milo’s left eye is smaller than his right eye since birth and the retina is detached (hence no vision). we were always told that at some point (roughly before the age of 5) he would need to be fitted for a prosthesis so his left side of his face will grow equally with his right side. the prosthesis is to stretch out his left eye since the face grows around the orbit of your eye.

this is a picture of him when he was 4 months old & his left eye is not as noticeably as small as his right eye.

so in his march EUA* (exam under anesthesia), his ocularist tag along to look to see if he is ready for a prosthesis and indeed he was. milo had his first fitting on april 20th and my husband and i were feeling pretty anxious. the process wasn’t as bad as we anticipated. i did have to hold his arm and head and my husband was on guard for his legs in case he kicks. milo cried. it was over pretty quickly. (imagine an evil** version of a contact fitting) we left the office after awhile and milo seems to be okay with it. that very night he went crazee and was screaming and crying for over an hour and finally went to bed without his dinner. the next day he was fine and even went to his regular swim class. after lunch he screamed and cried and only this time you could tell that he was obviously bothered by the prosthesis. in summary, we had to take it out. the ocularist gave us this tiny suction cup to use. it was hard to get milo to listen to us. we kept telling him what we need to do to make him feel better but he just wouldn’t listen because he is too bother by the discomfort. unfortunately we had to be sneaky and we had to do it when he was asleep. it was horrible of us and we were the wicked evil witches but we had no choice. after we took out the prosthesis, milo had both of his hands cupping his eyes for a long time. it was his natural human reaction to the trauma and his way of protecting his eyes while sleeping. it was heartbreaking. we really want to say frack this whole prosthesis to pieces because its not worth it. milo is SO traumatize by this and he still has his whole life of doctor visit and people looking at his eyes and how would he ever deal? the hard decision of parenting kicks in on this because if we don’t do this now it will be too late. its now or never because his face is still growing.


oh. a little history of the prosthesis. milo has an actual left eye so all the ocularist gave him is a clear scleral cover shell. no need for fancy painting of an actual eye on it.

the shell is placed in the cover part of a contact case (the actual part for a contact is too small for his shell). don’t be fool by the bubble, the actual shell is the rounded triangle. the one dot represents the top part of the eye and the two dots should be on the bottom part of his eye. this is just a easy way to know if the shell is turned around in his eye.

on may 24th he had his routine EUA, a lower eyelid epiblepharon*** on his right eye, and second fitting of his prosthesis (the ocularist made the shell a bit thinner this time). that same day (tuesday), he was great. the second day (wednesday), he was okay with the prosthesis eye and was only upset about putting ointment on his stitches on the right eye. the third day (thursday) was bad. the night before he was crying a lot in his sleep and in the morning he refused to open his eyes and was like that until the next day (friday). on friday he was still refusing to open his eyes and finally we took him in to see the doctor because he told us that its his right eye that was hurting. the doctor checked it out and said all was well and the stitches are healing nicely and he is good to go. that night he finally opened up his eyes and that was the best feeling my husband and i had. we were SO relieved and milo was so happy. the next day (saturday) came and milo did not open his eyes again and it was not until the evening he opened them. this pattern went on and is still going on. we now know how to handle it and how to talk to him and how to get him to do it.

milo refused to open his eyes and insisted on sleeping on the rocker.

the thing is, throughout all of this, we talked to him the whole time about whats going on and how we know how he is feeling and how we are there to help and what can we do to help and we even told him about the shell in his eye and how it does get uncomfortable especially when waking up because it gets dry.

i will never know what he is feeling. it does break my heart to see him like this because i cant help him. all this reminded my husband and i of all of milo’s conditions and how he has to face this for the rest of his life.

milo is truly my superhero of all time. i am so proud of him. he has been so brave since day one, literally.

he is better about opening his eyes each day. our ipad is loaded up with his Pixar buddies – the TOY STORY gang and CARS to encourage him to open up his eyes. they are always there when he wakes up and before he falls asleep. they are on a as needed basis. milo likes to show people his shell and we encourage him to do so. we talk about it with him often just like how i always tell him he has two very amazingly amazing eyes, right eye is the big one and the left eye is the small one.

BUT HONESTLY: i wish someone can tell me how long it will take his eye to adjust to this giant plastic shell???!!!! its like a turtle shell on your eye.

*milo has been put under since he was born so that they could look at his eyes without having him scream his lungs out. he used to get it done every 2 weeks and now its every 3-4 months. and this is mainly with his glaucoma specialist.

** evil because the prosthesis is insanely thicker than a contact. its hard and thick like TWO Lee Press-on nail and the size of it is bigger than your eyeball.

*** fancy term of saying that they need to fix milo’s lower right lid eyelashes since they are turning in and poking his eye. he actually had it done about a year ago and its happening again. sine this is his only eye, they are extra conservative and therefore they are fixing it, otherwise it usually corrects itself.


Tuesday, June 14th : PARCA day at the fair.
for people with developmental disabilities & their immediate families.
start time – 11am and rides will be open and free unti 12pm.

i never went but i signed up (thats right, you have to sign up here.)

i think it would be good for milo having that extra hour before its open to the public since he does get pretty anxious around a large crowd especially when there are lots of kids running around. he tends to step back, stay close to us and don’t really want to participate. its all because he does not have much peripheral vision on his only eye and things can get a little too much for him visually.

looking forward to this and i cant wait to see you + your family and your little ones.
and yeah for funnel cakes and cotton candy and all things sweets.

summer is here.

ME+MY PERFECT PAIR:The untold brief history of me, my children and what my blog shall be.

hi. lets get right into it.
my name is queenie. i am an illustrator, a designer, a wife and a mother of two. i love to create. i love to draw. i love fashion. i love patterns. i love all things cute. i love stuff. i love kids (especially my kids no doubt). AND i love to consume. oh! i almost forgot that i love bread and tart. basically i am human. i started this blog because i want to share with people my illustrations/characters and all the goodies i find from fashion to design to food to travel and pretty much anything that makes my eyes drool. the blog is my bff where i could just go and share all my findings and i could comment about it without having to stop and wait for feedbacks. i was able to let it all out (and my mansomedude a.k.a my husband did not have to hear all about it)without comments. he didn’t really want to be my human blog.

just recently i decided that i wanted to find a better theme to my blog even though if you look at my past postings you get a pretty good idea of what its all about. i guess i should really say that i want to add something else to my blog and to do so i need to give you a little intro/update. i want to talk about raising special needs children and mainly from my own experiences.

i have two kids. milo is my three year old (just turned three last week) and matilda is my almost 5 month old. milo was born with a rare congenital eye defect where he has no vision on his left eye and very limited vision on his right eye due to glaucoma and FEVR. he has had many surgeries since he was 10 days old until now due to his conditions. he has these super cute blue glasses that he has been wearing since he was three months old (he is super near sighted). under the state of California milo is considered to be legally blind. matilda was born this januray and she has microtia in her left ear and conductive hearing loss as well. both of them are more powerful on their right side than their left side. i always say to milo: its okay if you cant see it, just listen. now i will have to say this to matilda: its okay if you can hear it, just look.

with milo’s vision impairment since day one (on top of being a first time mom), i learned A LOT about the whole process from the State to different programs available and of course, dealing with your health insurance to just taking care of your special needs child. its definitely a lot of information to take in when you have a baby and especially when its your first one. i was very overwhelmed when we had to go through all that as milo is our first baby and with the very unexpected findings of his vision. with matilda, my husband noticed her deformation left ear as soon as she came out. i only noticed it when my husband said something to the doctor since i didn’t see her left side when she was handed to me. we both acknowledged her left ear nonchalantly and was just thrilled that she arrived. milo had us trained too well with his conditions.

milo has been enrolled in Early Start Education with our county since he was 7 weeks old and he will be graduating from them after this summer because he turned three years old. then he can transferred into the district (which is a whole other system with meetings you have to go through). matilda got accepted into the same program due to her hearing loss. i got one kid in the vision class and the other in hearing class. we are the first family that the school has seen with 2 kids with a completely nonrelated conditions. in a way, i am happy to know that matilda will get to experience the same school that milo was in because the teachers are wonderful and its such a safe and friendly environment. and i get to see the teachers for another three years.

i told my husband that we should play the lottery because the chances of having both a vision and hearing impaired kids are very very rare especially since both side of the families have no history. maybe when i do go and get a lottery ticket and win you will see me on the news with those giant fake checks (wait, do they do that or am i thinking about the publishing clearing house commercial?).

i’ve been through it and still am and i want to share it with you and i think i am a pretty good advocate for families with special needs kids especially with hearing and vision impaired. we had no support when we first went through it (we had families to support but to be honest, its very different since its a whole new topic) and i want to be here for those families going through it.

i am not only going to talk about my kids on this blog, i will continue to do what i am doing but i want my blog readers to know that i am here if you have any questions. and i know this is the longest post ever but really theres no short brief way to introduce. (i am fancy like that.)



i am very lucky that i get to spend mothers day with my mom and also with my little dude and my little baby. being a recent mom i now realize how much hearts oozes out of you upon your children. it is such an amazingly amazing thing to have. i ooze hearts all day long and all the time for my two wonderful children and i know my mom has been doing that to my brother and i as well.

i heart my mom.
i heart being a mom.
i think of the moms that are not with me but i heart them truly : my grandmothers and my mother-in-law. you gals are still rocking my world.
to one of my most dear friend who just had her little baby girl – HAPPY FIRST MOTHERS DAY to you! (you know who you are)



Dear Me Blog:

i know ive been missing for some time but i have the best reason of all time. i gave birth to a new fresh human earlier this month. enough said. but i have been thinking of you, blog. and i DO want to come back and filled your space with pages of goodies but please give me some time. time is super hard to find these days with my new human and my little dude. i just want to tell you so you know i have not forgotten about you. thank you for your time.




ONE: Maison Desalle’s Paris Loves You chair


THREE: Anthropologie DIY ( i will most likely do this since i would like to have more of these big chunky neck warmer.)

FOUR: how cute are these Collegien Slipper Socks. i want one for the whole family.

FIVE: Jack Spade Dipped Industrial Canvas. if my dude have one i can take it and use it too. a great gift for me and him. but you are only buying one. how great is that.

SIX: I love my Miffy. and i want to go here and take my little and big dude with me. so 3 tickets to the store please. PLEASE. I WANT.

SEVEN: Heal’s Orla Kiely. anything from here will make me happy. anything.

EIGHT: Rebecca Coagan Scharlatt’s morse coated necklace. this is super sweet and i love how small it looks on your neck. very cute.

NINE: sheriff PJ’s for my little dude.

TEN: Tivoli Audio Model One AM/FM Radio.

ELEVEN: i spotted this skull necklace by made in the display window of Jigsaw several times and i really dig it since i keep thinking about it. i SO want it around my neck. OH. I WANT IT.

TWELVE: Zara dresses. i love me some zara shopping whenever i am overseas. and look at all these dresses. they are the perfect length and i want them in both black and red especially the tuplip dress. so perfect. so good. want want please.

THIRTEEN: Super Star earrings. not sure if my ears would be allergic to this but i like it. little tatoos on my ear lopes.

FOURTEEN: Fox. very cute. i just want him to sit on my shelf or i could share him with my little dude.

FIFTEEN: CC SKYE Lightning Bolt Necklace

SIXTEEN: Eggshell Zigzag Romper

EIGHTEEN: Brevity Horseshoe necklace.

NINETEEN: Johnny Cupcake + Hello Kitty. even though they were completely sold out pretty much right after it was on sale, i still want it.


ONE: Orfeo – Mimilou – School bag bird

TWO: Lauren Moffatt Wool Pea Coat

THREE: Jonathan Adler pop menagerie lion ornament

FOUR: CATBIRD Alphabet Rings – Gold


SIX: Jonathan Adler lion rug

SEVEN: Jonathan Adler elephants salt and pepper

EIGHT: the bestest wallpaper ive seen in a long time

NINE: Bamboo Radio

TEN: Clarevivier La Tropézienne bag – the most simple brown leather bag ive seen in awhile and i wish i can touch it just to see how soft it is. i wonder how much it weights since i hate heavy leather bags.

ELEVEN: Orla Kiely Pattern book. A must have.

TWELVE: Linge De Maison Housse de couette Chantier bed sheets. i really like the simple boyish pattern. it gives me such a clean happy feeling.

THIRTEEN: OFFI Mini-Drawer Doodle Desk (in orange). my little dude would like this. i just know it.

FOURTEEN: Jonathan Adler apple pillows

FIFTEEN: Orla Kiely Big Zip wallet – i have one of these in different pattern and i ABSOLUTELY love it. i am always scared that it will break one day and if i have a spare it would make me feel so safe.

* i realized that this wish list is a very neutral orange theme. i guess thats whats attracting my eyes these days.*



The turkey is all about starting the holiday season and all the consuming and all the stuff for your stuff and all the jollypopping to come. i love this time of year from all the possible clothing you can put on yourself to buying gifts for others and just seeing the face on my little dude from putting up our tree and santa claus and opening all his presents. i love it. i just love it.


another week another list of things i like to have.

i like –

the Clarity project (good place for someone who wants to buy something something sparkly and special for someone thats filled with bubbly hearts.)

Polarno Pyret’s neck warmer for baby

Emerson Made – i want it all.

i like the bed but i really like the bed tent for my little dude.

the micuna furniture is nice and simple and the colors are so soft.

this BOW scarf is awsum but of course is sold out right now.

these 80%20 – women’s eliotte suede boots is a must have especially with the toggles. i am a sucka for toggle.

i saw these Minnetonka® fringed low moccasins in store and they are pretty cute and the price is great.

just for kicks, i would like to try this Komenuka Bijin shampoo since my current shampoo will run out soon.


i’ve been meaning to put this together for awhile and I finally did it seeing how one of my buddy is having their first baby next month. we were one of the first among our friends to have a baby and we didn’t have any tips as to what we should get and hence, we bought way too much and way too soon and ended up regretting some of our purchases. SO, i had made a mental note to self that i will create an essential must have/totally should buy list for first time parent. and please note to yourself that this is based on what i think is great to have. and i will for sure use the below items for my future baby.

1) PRIMO EuroBath – we’ve been using this since he started taking bath.

2) ERGO baby carrier – i wish i got this from day one since its super nice and easy to use and with my bad back, it does no harm. i would suggest this over baby bjorn any day (sorry baby bjorn but you hurt my back so much that i can’t deal with you). i would get the infant insert as well.

3) Floppy seat – you don’t really need this til the baby can sit up but i like it since it feels so much cleaner than putting your baby directly into the germ infested grocery shopping cart especially when they are touching and putting everything in his/her mouth. and you can also use this at restaurant’s high chair.

4) Boppy – this is great especially if you plan to nurse. it can also be use to prop up the baby and let him/her chill out. this was great when i travel on the plane since you can place the baby on the Boppy and the Boppy on your lap. i like the Target Dwell collection (girl and boy version).

5) aden + anais – i LOVE their blankets and wraps and everything!!! unfortunately i didn’t find out about these til way later but i got them and am still using them. their muslin wraps would be perfect for a newborn to swaddle in since the material is super soft and the size is great. they last through washes after washes. we got a lot of receiving blankets and nothing compare to this material. we also got the four-layer dream blanket for our little dude to use when the weather is cold and he loves it. the generous size covers him completely even when he is tossing at night.

that’s all i can think of top of my head as the essentials for the arrival of a newborn.

AND OH as for clothing! I pretty much narrow down to 3 main brands (they have great materials and they last through many many washes) –
1) Boden – they have a great selection of everything from socks to jackets. and their pants are the best since its mostly elastic waist and this year they extended their mini boden sizes to 4 years old. WOOHOO.
2) Hanna Anderson their pj’s is the best!! and their moccasins are great too. we tried other brands that have the similar style but they did not work as well.
3) Tea Collection
4) MUJI – they don’t have it online. i get them when i am overseas. don’t hate me.

p.s. – and of course i forgot to be lame and add my SUPERJUICYCHICKEN plush on the list of must have! look under WHERE TO BUY ME and get it. please.

bestbest + jollypop

p.p.s. – I didn’t bother with toys and books and other stuff since the list would go on forever. and i just wanted to keep this as the essential must have. but if you are interested to know/learn more, please feel free to contact me and i will tell you everything.