i knew that i wanted an iPad2 the day they announced the release date. i planned on placing an order online since i knew that they would be sold out at the store. i planned a trip with my two little ones soon after the release date and an idea of having an iPad2 for my toddler on the plane got stuck in my head. i knew there were no way i would get one by ordering online and so i did a little looking around and realized the best chance to get one was to wait in line early in the morning since stores get daily shipments and sometimes it includes iPad2. i told my main dude hubby of the idea and how maybe i should do that so i could have it for my trip. i was of course half joking since i have a 2.5 month old at home that needs nursing (and the other half i was hoping that i could since i wanted one).
to get to the point of this posting – my main dude got up super early for me and waited in line. after the first morning, he knew what to expect and woke up at 3am for the next 3 days and on the 4th try, he did it. he even got exactly the one i wanted. its amazing. both my dude and the ipad2 but the latter is not as amazing as my main dude of course. all i could think of every morning when he woke up was – you would do that for me?
i admit, i felt horrible for ever mentioning the idea to him and each morning when he got up to go i would tell him to stop but he went. and while he was gone, i wouldn’t be able to sleep well because all i could do was think about him standing for 4 hours in the cold and in the rain just because i wanted the iPad2 for my trip.
i love my crazee dude. not because he got me my iPad2 but because he went and did that for me even knowing that he might not even be able to get one at all. i am one lucky girl.