new year new vacuum same old obsession

i came across these and i dont know what it is telling me but i want them both. the escargot vacuum would be nice to have around the house (and i can even have it laying around without looking like a big old ugly vacuum). the pink one is a must since when was the last time you saw a pink vacuum. so, someone please translate and get them to me.

my desires are currently in the future

here are a few things i want.

omg.omg. please let me have this in pink. i can do so much with you.

need i say more. my face can use something like this.

these shoes.. i WANT or should i say i NEED these shoes.

i just love the bright color combo. theres not necessarily a thing i want in particular. i just want to wear all these colors on a bright sunny future day.

i just want one.

i just want one because i have everything hello kitty and most of what i have i dont use but i have it because its hello kitty. so, why not this as well. bring it on. i am sure i can find some way of using this or showing this off. but just knowing i have it in my possession makes me happy. i am addicted to this mouthless kitty. in other words, CONSUME it.

the reasoning of consuming that makes me myself.

ok. the fall is FINALLY here. (thank you controller of weather machine for answering my letters.)

and in my book, it means boots boots boots… every year i go (its the part of my biological clock for consuming boots that sets off) and hunt down my ideal boots and every year i end up with a new pair (or more) of boots in my shoe-box-filled closet. and of course along the way, i end up finding other shoes that i desire and then it leads me to bags and then accessories and then dresses and so on and on. you get the idea.
in summary – CONSUME is me. and all this happens around the time of holiday seasons which DOES NOT help since i loose TOTAL control and cant tell the difference between desire and my bank account. (i do lots of mind consuming since in actuality i cant afford all my wants.) in the end i buy more than i can and then have to stop for awhile and then another season kicks in and i start all over again. and AMERICA – this is what we called C.O.N.S.U.M.I.N.G. (call me if you dont understand. hire me on and i will be your private consumer.)

back to shoes. these are some of the shoe-things i came across as i was searching for boots. take notes and remember this – i am size 8,call me, and send me the goods. thank you. xoxox/jollypop, ME.

chie mihara platform pumps

this reminds me of my farylrobin that are still living in my shoe box. oops. i should take them out for a ride.

this is very similar to the muimui flats

i am kind of attracted to this too.

i kind of want to try this around my neck and it makes me think of pretty rubber bands or a bunch of spaghetti but whatever it is, it is pulling me in. if and when i have the extra bucks around (especially with all my recent wants) i might just get one to see what this is all about.

BUT if you so love my neck and me, please feel free to send one my way.
thank you in advance?

who will win between my 2 favorite.

ive been wanting/needing(?) a big black bag (or maybe its just because i want to buy a bag and i dont really have a big black bag.) but whatever the case it might be, i am debating which one i want. do i need both? will i need both? i probably will need them. i think i will. its hard to choose since i love me some see by chloé (its been my very new favorite ever since i got the first bag last winter) and my forever marc jacobs?
such a headache. so much thinking….
who will win?
(probably me in the end.)