’tis the season to decorate my neck.

its neck warming time and with all the holidays coming around, i like to have some bright and fun happenings going on around my neck to make cloudy day into happy cloudy day. and today i had time to peek around etsy for some stuff for my neck.

this is perfect EXCEPT will they get dirty easily since i can see myself kissing them pompoms when they are around my neck (if you dont know this, there are a few things that i just have to kiss (aside from my man and my boy) because of the texture or just because they asked me to: marshmallow, pancakes, and others that i cant remember now. it might sound rather weird/strange/freakish. well, thats because it is and i dont care.) *and oh yes. i want her hair. i always dream of a fro*

theres something about this simple necklace that i am drawn to. it reminds me of something something but i dont know what. my brain is not telling me but it keeps hinting to me, so, it must be something good.

and as for this bunny. i just want a bunch of them and have them on a chain link and around my neck or on my head or on my wrist. i need them and i need someone supercrafty to help me to put this together. anyone?

i am kind of attracted to this too.

i kind of want to try this around my neck and it makes me think of pretty rubber bands or a bunch of spaghetti but whatever it is, it is pulling me in. if and when i have the extra bucks around (especially with all my recent wants) i might just get one to see what this is all about.

BUT if you so love my neck and me, please feel free to send one my way.
thank you in advance?

i need to throw my new products a party.


i cant be more happy with my recent unexpected purchases (consume consumer people!).
i found this jacket ON SALE and i almost screamed when i found this.
ive been thinking about all the different outfits i can wear with and show off. just look at her. she is like david byrne‘s big suit* (with awsum puffy sleeves) mixed with sailor moon‘s wardrobe. c’mon people you know you are jealous because i am jealous of me for having it. BUT of course i havent wore it at all since its been so damn hot out here! (i just refer to the jacket as she?? what? whatever.)

as for the necklace, i went into a kids store to look for cute little things and i saw it when i walked in but ignore it since i felt kind of silly for falling in love with a kids’ necklace. but when i was checking out there it was again…. i just had to pick it up and put it on and say – you are mine and we are going home together.


*lets dance david byrne style