its nice to buy things for human. but i like to also buy things for our home. there are tons of BIG things that i would love to get but it would be awhile before i can afford them since they are BIG purchases. but when i do find little things like these, i feel like i must get them.
hello kitty monopoly. i dont need it but i feel like i have to since i am a big hello kitty fan since way back when before hello kitty became this too famous for me that i pretty much dont want to buy any of the new style. (pretty much since hello kitty made her way into Hot Topic days). but looking at the style of this, it reminds me of the old 1976 design.
Orla Kiely. what more do i need to say. just come to AMERICA so i can buy you. i would love to buy more than one and have you in all my rooms. for now you can get it here or here and if you really want to, PLEASE BUY ME ONE.